

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December: An Update and National Pie Day!

It's December!

Yea, I agree, I don't know where the year went either!! But my favorite time of the year has come at last and friends, there is so much I want to share with you, plus I have a plethora of pictures too! comes the list...

1. Go see Lincoln immediately. I think I've mentioned briefly my huge small crush on Daniel Day-Lewis before, but seriously. DDL is fantasticly wonderful in this movie. And James Spader, who I always want to call Alan Shore from Boston Legal, plays the same character he plays in every movie, a sort of deliciously sleazy guy (in this movie he's a lobbyist). Besides, seeing that movie in November just made me appreciate the month of no shaving a little more. Some of the facial hair in that movie was seriously impressive!

2. CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!! ('s 24 days away). But in the Soltoff household it's been here for a week and it is fabulous. We got back from visiting family last Sunday and the apartment was completely decorated (inside and out) within about 5 hours. Our tree is set up, twinkly lights are on outside, and Santa hats are being worn daily. It's only the first of December, you say? The more the merrier is what WE say!

3. Let me just say this...getting good grades is kind of addictive. I have been doing really well in my classes this semester, and seeing A's on tests and papers just makes me feel super accomplished.

4. Where did the Caramel Brûlée (I know! Look at those fancy marks on that word!) Latte come from? It's like the Toffee Nut Latte and the Caramel Macchiato decided to have an off-the-set secret love affair. It's tasty and warm and oh so gooddddddd. Definitely my new favorite drink!

5. I made schnecken. For many of you that may not be a big deal. But it was my mother-in-law's gift to me when I became a Soltoff. She passed away last year and so it's been difficult for me to make because it's kind of a "Soltoff daughter-in-law" thing handed down from HER mother-in-law and then from her to me. But I have now made it twice and it's turned out pretty yummy each time. It's a cinnamon-sugar cookie filled with jam and rolled into a crescent shape. The name literally means "snail" in German, and it's sort of really complicated to make. But I think I've got the hang of it, which makes me feel good about myself, hooray :)

6. Um...I have the month of January off? Lock Haven doesn't start school back up until January 28th, so if anyone can suggest inexpensive things for me to do, that would be great. I think I'll try to volunteer somewhere...??!??

Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd, here are a bunch of random pictures that are cute/weird/fun/silly...

In PA lots of kids get the day off from school when hunting season starts. I was driving home from Lock Haven that day and saw this car. "Why do they have a black rug strapped to the back," I thought. Turns out it was a black bear. How could I tell? When I got closer I could see the little pads and claws on it's back legs hanging off the side #gag

Ariel secretly wishes she was Will Muschamp #muschampmania

This was in Target and I almost allllmost bought it for Ben. Now I sort of wish I had one for ME.

Finished schnecken. Raisin-less for me please! #yum

First snow!!! And hoping for lots and lots and lots more!

...and here are some shots of our decorated apartment! Our Nativity scene that I grew up with and got as a gift last year is on top. 

Bedroom tree! #treeone It's a live one and has candy canes and cinnamon stars on it. Basically the bedroom smells JUST LIKE Christmas every time you walk in. 

Hahahahahahahahahaha...Toilet tree #treetwo 

This is a massive amount of Christmas books that have somehow accumulated through the years...and the shelves are filled with Nutcracker paraphernalia. 

Our Kitchen tree! #treethree

Last of all, here is our Family tree! #treefour. Yup, we have a Christmas tree in EVERY room of our apartment. This one is probably my favorite one though because it has all our cool ornaments. Star Trek light up ones, a pink pig, several skiing animals, a snail, Nutcracker dancers, and a whole host of others, including an incredibly cute picture of five year old Ben!




Lots more to share! Hopefully I'll be able to backtrack and share a few of our fall adventures in the next couple days, as well as our upcoming holiday fun!!

Lots of sticky candy cane love, 


P.S. If you haven't had a piece of pie lately, go out and get your self one dangit! It's National Pie Day! #pecanpieforme

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