

Monday, December 17, 2012

continue the joy

At this point, I know, a lot of people have shared their opinion, but I feel like I need to get mine out there too because there is so much to be said. It still seems incredible that my life has continued as it normally does, sitting here sipping my coffee. But out there parents and brothers and sisters are laying their loved ones to rest forever. It breaks my heart.

This is an unspeakable tragedy, that is obvious. In our day and age of technology and ever-increasingly paranoid security, we left our most precious innocents without protection. It makes me so so sad, but I also have all these angry angry feelings as well. How could this have happened? How? It reminds me that my little world of loved ones is not safe, not really. I suppose that it could always be worse...and I am incredibly and daily grateful for the blessing of safety, but still.

It makes me wonder where Christmas is this year. On tv this morning a pastor being interviewed said that this week in Advent the candle of Joy was lit. As Christians we should realize that we are able to possess joy, even when happiness is the last thing on our minds. Joy comes from God, and it cannot be taken away, even in the darkest of times.

In the weeks and months to come, I wish much joy to the families and the community in Connecticut. Joy in remembering the good times they had with loved ones lost. Joy for the teachers that protected their students at the ultimate cost. And joy that those who suffered are in a better place.

Jesus was the great joy, as it is said in Luke 2:10 "And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." God gave up his only son...for the entire world. Jesus brought with him joy, abounding and unending. Although the times are dark now, I hope He can be the light for those who need it.

It seems somewhat silly to go on preparing for Christmas, but when reflecting about that, is it? Perhaps Christmas is even more necessary this year. In a shattered and terror-filled world, we need stability. And the coming of a baby, an innocent like those who lost their lives, may be exactly what brings back the joy.

My deepest desire this Christmas season is that Jesus will bring with him a little extra this year. A little extra joy, a little extra healing, even a little cooperation for legislators to work together to fix our nation. In realizing the joy that is Jesus, my hope is that others will continue to reach out and reflect His light to others in need. In this way we can begin to bring about healing that is deeply needed in our country.

In the midst of everything...before we continue on with our lives, stop and think. Jesus is the greatest present we can ever receive. He is a gift that is on it's way to us, one that brings hope, love, joy, and peace.

 I will continue to prepare for Christmas, perhaps a little more urgently this year. Because our world needs it. Our world needs it desperately.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Lots of love, 

Monday, December 3, 2012

This Girl...

My baby girl is too cute. I can't get enough of how tightly she curls herself up when she naps. It's like she is a snail. She's my little schnecken. 

Ben has late classes this semester. Which means I come home to a cold house and a tightly wrapped little kitten tucked into corners and crannies of the couch. 

So I scoop her up and settle back down onto the couch and sometimes we sleep, sometimes we watch something (probably on Food Network) but most times we just tell each other about our day. She is a great listener too!

There is nothing like a sleepy, warm, cuddly cat on your lap. Especially when she starts purring :)



:D :D :D 

Happy snuggling!


Saturday, December 1, 2012

December: An Update and National Pie Day!

It's December!

Yea, I agree, I don't know where the year went either!! But my favorite time of the year has come at last and friends, there is so much I want to share with you, plus I have a plethora of pictures too! comes the list...

1. Go see Lincoln immediately. I think I've mentioned briefly my huge small crush on Daniel Day-Lewis before, but seriously. DDL is fantasticly wonderful in this movie. And James Spader, who I always want to call Alan Shore from Boston Legal, plays the same character he plays in every movie, a sort of deliciously sleazy guy (in this movie he's a lobbyist). Besides, seeing that movie in November just made me appreciate the month of no shaving a little more. Some of the facial hair in that movie was seriously impressive!

2. CHRISTMAS IS HERE!!! ('s 24 days away). But in the Soltoff household it's been here for a week and it is fabulous. We got back from visiting family last Sunday and the apartment was completely decorated (inside and out) within about 5 hours. Our tree is set up, twinkly lights are on outside, and Santa hats are being worn daily. It's only the first of December, you say? The more the merrier is what WE say!

3. Let me just say this...getting good grades is kind of addictive. I have been doing really well in my classes this semester, and seeing A's on tests and papers just makes me feel super accomplished.

4. Where did the Caramel Brûlée (I know! Look at those fancy marks on that word!) Latte come from? It's like the Toffee Nut Latte and the Caramel Macchiato decided to have an off-the-set secret love affair. It's tasty and warm and oh so gooddddddd. Definitely my new favorite drink!

5. I made schnecken. For many of you that may not be a big deal. But it was my mother-in-law's gift to me when I became a Soltoff. She passed away last year and so it's been difficult for me to make because it's kind of a "Soltoff daughter-in-law" thing handed down from HER mother-in-law and then from her to me. But I have now made it twice and it's turned out pretty yummy each time. It's a cinnamon-sugar cookie filled with jam and rolled into a crescent shape. The name literally means "snail" in German, and it's sort of really complicated to make. But I think I've got the hang of it, which makes me feel good about myself, hooray :)

6. Um...I have the month of January off? Lock Haven doesn't start school back up until January 28th, so if anyone can suggest inexpensive things for me to do, that would be great. I think I'll try to volunteer somewhere...??!??

Aaaaaaannnnnnndddddd, here are a bunch of random pictures that are cute/weird/fun/silly...

In PA lots of kids get the day off from school when hunting season starts. I was driving home from Lock Haven that day and saw this car. "Why do they have a black rug strapped to the back," I thought. Turns out it was a black bear. How could I tell? When I got closer I could see the little pads and claws on it's back legs hanging off the side #gag

Ariel secretly wishes she was Will Muschamp #muschampmania

This was in Target and I almost allllmost bought it for Ben. Now I sort of wish I had one for ME.

Finished schnecken. Raisin-less for me please! #yum

First snow!!! And hoping for lots and lots and lots more!

...and here are some shots of our decorated apartment! Our Nativity scene that I grew up with and got as a gift last year is on top. 

Bedroom tree! #treeone It's a live one and has candy canes and cinnamon stars on it. Basically the bedroom smells JUST LIKE Christmas every time you walk in. 

Hahahahahahahahahaha...Toilet tree #treetwo 

This is a massive amount of Christmas books that have somehow accumulated through the years...and the shelves are filled with Nutcracker paraphernalia. 

Our Kitchen tree! #treethree

Last of all, here is our Family tree! #treefour. Yup, we have a Christmas tree in EVERY room of our apartment. This one is probably my favorite one though because it has all our cool ornaments. Star Trek light up ones, a pink pig, several skiing animals, a snail, Nutcracker dancers, and a whole host of others, including an incredibly cute picture of five year old Ben!




Lots more to share! Hopefully I'll be able to backtrack and share a few of our fall adventures in the next couple days, as well as our upcoming holiday fun!!

Lots of sticky candy cane love, 


P.S. If you haven't had a piece of pie lately, go out and get your self one dangit! It's National Pie Day! #pecanpieforme

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Wipeout

Today I fell up some stairs.

It wasn't just a fall, it was a complete wipeout. We're talking wet, slippery, rainy stairs and a girl with a full bag, an umbrella and a travel coffee mug.

Now imagine all that splayed alllllllllll overrrrrrrrrr the wet ground.

I got one of those gross wet knees on my jeans that reminded me of being a little kid with muddy clothes.

And man! Did my shins and knees hurt like crazy! Walking around still hurts, and it has been pretty painful to move around today.

The worst thing though was the feeling of total embarrassment. When something like that happens, it feels like there is a massive spotlight pointed right at you and a big-time sportscaster giving a play-by-play of the slo-mo recap. My cheeks hurt from bring so red and I actually almost started crying (from shame? haha or more likely, from the pain).

However, I got back up pretty quickly and gave myself a quick pep talk as I continued to walk to class.

"Amanda, people fall," I told myself, "so you need to keep walking, the day is going to get better. Just keep moving."

And while other little things have bothered me today, I treated myself to a hot chocolate, took a different route on the way home, and even got a package of pumpkin cookies from my family.

All in all...not a bad day.



Friday, October 5, 2012

On Being "Sick"

So my amazing wifey-poo forced me to go to the doctor after I've had a cough for 2 weeks.

Wifey-poo does not equal poopy cow on windshield

I tell them my symptoms ("I have a cough, that's about it"), the doctor looks concerned, then asks me to put on a face mask before telling me I might have this really dangerous and scary sounding "pertussis". Turns out that's whooping cough. Silly me for not getting this vaccine that came out in 2005 (I still don't understand why I wasn't given it when I got all my other shots when I left for college). Of course, the only way to officially diagnose this condition is to shove a q-tip up my nose to the back of my throat and spin it around for a bit. And the test costs almost 200 dollars. And since it takes 3 days to get the results, they'll put me on antibiotics and isolate me in my apartment anyways. So really, why would I want to go through this nasty sounding test?

Silly Obama, helping to provide affordable healthcare for the young and poor

Oh, it's free through my insurance you say? Well in that case, let's do this! I know, I know, I'm contributing to the increased cost of healthcare with all these unnecessary tests. I say, I'm a rational actor doing what's best for me, the rest of the country be damned! Also, the Mrs. would be annoyed if I didn't take the test.

So now, instead of cutting open my butt (that was last year), I get this tube shoved all the way up my nose. Seriously, you could probably see it when you looked in my mouth. Disgusting.

Yup, they did this.
My reaction
So now I'm stuck sitting around the apartment for 5 days, or until they get my test results back. And of course, Amanda's attitude is that "either you're sick and I'm going to treat you like a baby...

...or you're isolated and then I'm going to be mad that I can't go out anywhere and it's all your fault and I'm going to miss this awesome homecoming parade!"

Pikachu, I miss you!

Seriously, I'm the one potentially carrying this deadly disease, and it's all my fault Amanda doesn't get to see the parade. Who made me go to the doctor again?

This girl



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Virus Appreciation Day

In honor of Virus Appreciation Day, the radio station I listen to as I go to school every day listed the 25 dirtiest things you come in contact with every day.

Some things that made the list included kitchen sinks, playgrounds, and (really grossly) your cell phone.

What didn't make the list? Toilet handles. Everything else is dirtier than that.


Love, A

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Name Your Car Day

It's raining and gross outside today.

Plus I have two tests today. I already took one. It went ok, but I would have liked less True and False. Those are annoying because there might be just ONE tiny discrepancy and if you miss it you're done.

Anyways, I'm feeling really preppy today because I have my favorite green Ralph Lauren sweater on with my tall brown boots and jeans. I should be riding a horse around campus. Except it would get wet. A horse with a built-in umbrella.

Today is Name Your Car Day. But mine is already named BNJNDA or Benjanda for those of you who can't fill in vowels/don't know us well.

I always thought it would be fun to name a car after a stodgy old man. Something like Herman or Albert or Norman. Those just seem like car names to me.

We're having chili tonight, and I'm going to VEG because I have to go take another test now. Also it's raining and why wouldn't you veg when it's raining and icky outside.



Monday, October 1, 2012

It's October OOOH LA OOOH LA

I don't really know what that even means, but I felt like typing it.

I'm wearing ORANGE to celebrate October!!!

I'm wearing an orange dress, and I also have on cute boots that used to belong to my mom. I got complimented on them too!

Listen up guys. I'm getting serious. I NEED to keep posting stuff on here. For posterity and also because it's kind of not fair for me to email Ben every day and stream-of-consciousness my morning life. Why not do it here and let the world laugh along with the two of us?!

Also, I wish that I took more pictures but guys, those take SO DANG LONG to upload and reposition and put in and by then I'm tired and want a snack.

The Steelers did NOT play this week, but do you know who did?!!??!

THE REFEREES DID!!! Heck yesssssss they are back in action. With all the worldly troubles out there, I am actually mildly amused by how much news the ref lockout generated these past few weeks. Apparently in America we don't mind if schools fail, but dang it if we are going to let our football league have inadequate refs.

Finally, I want to share with everyone how heinous having a canker sore is. I almost posted an online picture of one, but it's (slightly) before 12, so I won't. Friends, those things are terrible and horrible and how can something so small cause so much discomfort?!

It's almost time for my last class of the day, so I'm going to go. And then I'll go home, snuggle with my kitty, study for my two (!!!!!) tests tomorrow, and probably end up watching a little Downton season 2. Hey, I'm keeping it classy.

Love and pumpkin seeds,


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Joy comes in the morning

Today's September 11.

If I told you that 12 years ago, you'd probably look at me and say something along the lines of, "yeah silly, and yesterday was the 10th."

But in our country, today has become especially significant, and I don't think we'll ever look at today as just another day again.

Today I have seen so many statuses of people remembering where they were, and tweets stating things like "never forget" and it makes me really think about how diverse our country really is. Our country's citizens were forever changed by the tragedy of 11 years ago. They knew someone in the towers personally, or a friend who was working in the Pentagon. Others were residually affected through the media coverage and reactions of those around them.

For some, me included, I think this event caused them to stand back and see what our country's really made of. In that time of crisis our country put aside party lines and political agendas and came together as one nation to support the grieving and the sorrow fellow countrymen endured.

The reactions that are present in a time of uncertainty define us.

As a country we stood up to the injustice of terrorism with our military, yes, but we also stood up to it with our resilience. We didn't look at the rubble and wreckage and say "well we had a good run, but now we're finished." We consoled ourselves, picked each other back up, and began to rebuild.

So as I'm thinking about all this, I saw a good friend's status with this verse:

2 Corinthians 4:8,9 - We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Which in turn reminded me of this song we used to sing in youth group called "Trading My Sorrows." It's a great song, and one line stuck out to me. 

Though sorrow may last for the night
His joy comes with the morning

Regardless of religious belief, I think that is pretty meaningful in how our country reacted to what happened on September 11. We were hit hard, sucker-punched by others who were seeking power and attempted to find it through the terrorization of others. But like the verse states, I think our country's reaction and the continued remembrance today shows that we won't let power win. Our country's belief in democracy and freedom lives on because its citizens refused to be shut down by terror. 

September 11 may have been one of the darkest days in our country's history, but the mornings that came after brought joy. Joy that we could remain united. Joy that we could, albeit painfully, rebuild. Joy that democracy was not struck down. Joy that September 11 did not end us. Joy that we persevered until the morning.

Here's to September 12. 



Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ed Hochuli - NOT!

It's a sad day in sports. Actually, it WILL be a sad day when the first week of the NFL season is conducted using replacement refs. I don't know if you watch football, but you're missing some truly incredible things if you don't watch this guy, Ed Hochuli. AND HE WILL NOT BE ANYWHERE NEAR A FOOTBALL FIELD NEXT WEEKEND :(

Actually, maybe he will. I don't know. Maybe he will decide to take in a game somewhere. But then he'll see the terrible job the replacements are doing and this might happen to the innocent fan next to him:

Who knows?

In other news, let me tell you, I have been running around feeling like a chicken with its head cut off, but much more sweaty. There are SO MANY forms and appeals and files and clearances to this going-back-to-school-and-now-using-financial-aid thing. So I did what any person would do when a small victory in the form of a helpful state senator's office came my way. I rewarded myself with a taco from Taco Bell :)

No, it was not a Doritos Loco taco. I contemplated it, but those are weird after the first bite. 

Then I went home and ran. A lot. But surprisingly felt good about myself after. 

Moral: Taco Bell helps you run better?

This is an example of "causal inference." Ask Ben. He's taking a class on it this semester :)

Lastly, they played a whole series of songs that should be "comeback" songs on the radio this morning and number one was so so awesome that I sang right along in my loudest voice. 

MMBOP, ba du ba dop ba duuu bop, ba du ba dop ba duuu bop, ba du ba dop ba duuUUUU 

Yeaaaaah YEAHHHH


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ok but for real this time...


However, having said that, I am gearing up for an intense fall semester. I'm going back to school at Lock Haven for Special Ed., and Ben's going into his third year (yikes!) out of five. He's got late classes (like...until 9:30 at night) and I've got a 45 minute commute to get to 9ams, but we're trying to make it all work.


I'm pumped. I'm all set to win for the second year in a row. Everyone's jealous of my team's name: Ariel's Avengers. This is our mascot.

See? Intimidation. 

Ok I promise promise promise I will (maybe) get a Disney World post up here this week. Or I'll make Ben do it. 


P.S. Are you excited for fall or is it just me? PSLs, crisp air, chili, sweatshirts, changing leaves, blankets, and FOOTBALLLLLLLLLLLL. 

P.P.S. If you didn't know, PSL = Pumpkin Spice Latte. Otherwise known as the official mascot of delicious fall drinks. 

Monday, July 16, 2012

Philippi 2012 or Why Summer Classes Broke my Heart

In the misty mountains of rural West Virginia, there is a small town named Philippi. It is located in Barbour County. It was the site of the First Land Battle of the Civil War. It has a covered bridge and a 4-H Camp. (All that comes from my knowledge, not Wikipadia, haha!)

It's one of my top five favorite places in the entire world.

When I was 15 years old I amazingly decided to give up a week of my life in late July/early August and go on a missions trip with my church. This missions trip had been going on for almost 30 years, and was almost completely made up of youths (or youthhhhhs, as they say in New Girl). Each year my church ventured into this town and helped fix and rebuild houses for the community.

How crazy is that? In a world where I could have spent my entire summer working on my tan (because, let's face it, I would need to work all summer in order to get even a hint of one), I chose to PAY to go and fix houses.

It was without a doubt the best week of my summer.

And (with a few exceptions) has continued to be the best week of my summer each year I've gone. This year would have been 10 years ("Whoa, she's old!"), but I am taking summer classes and they happen to be ending the week Philippi happens.


So, in lieu of me attending, because it's actually not at all about me in any way, I thought I'd share some lessons I learned, advice I got, and tips to enjoy, in case you decide to go. Because I really recommend it. BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST.

Philippi circa 2006. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa.


1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13. This can get turned into a way fun song that you sing at the top of your lungs with the pastor of People's Chapel. He gets really into it, which in turn makes you get into it as well.

2. Sometimes paint fights are fun. Until you learn the paint isn't waterproof.

3. There will always be an "It" boy at Philippi. Sometimes he'll be called Hot Blessings. Or Jessica.

4. You'll discover that somehow the PB&J sandwiches are THE BEST PB&J sandwiches you've ever eaten.

5. In Philippi there are beautiful houses that line the downtown streets. You and your friends will each pick out which ones you'll own one day when you all live in Philippi.

6. Each night you'll get a chance to share how you were the hands and feet of God at the work site. Make sure you talk to those who live there. They have the best stories, and you can get into the most wonderful conversations if you try.

7. If your brother and his friends decide to jump off a roof, it's not always a good idea to follow. You'll probably sprain your ankle.

8. Snacks like Peachy-Os and Sour Patch Kids will spark wonderful songs. That you write at 12 at night with your friends.

9. You might learn to French braid hair. Then you might be designated as the "girl who French braids hair" for the next 9 years. As a result you might eventually teach all the younger girls to braid their own hair.

10. Playing football is essential. So is Ultimate Frisbee. Injuries from playing these sports is also almost a guaranteed thing.

11. You might be able to tell how stressed the youth pastor is by how many sweet teas he drinks.

12. Sheetz is suddenly the coolest place there is, and you'll want to save all your money to buy candy.

13. Dairy King is delicious.

14. Somehow you will learn how to hammer a nail, how to use other power tools like saws and drills, and how to shingle a roof (every year!) in a week.

15. There will (probably) be drama. Stay away from it and go play cards instead.

16. Riding in a van to Philippi with the ladies that work in the kitchen might result in motion sickness. They have been driving those hills for over 30 years, and are capable of incredible speeds on those winding mountain roads.

17. Always ride in a raft. That way you can make up chants, target other rafts, and generally terrorize your raft guide when your whole raft breaks out in spontaneous Disney sing-alongs.

18. You will have the best food of the year. And then you will get to the Wednesday Night Potluck and understand what kind of food they must serve in Heaven.

19. Have fun in your small groups, even if you have to wash dishes on the morning they serve pancakes.

20. "T-grip!" You'll learn.

21. If you decide to get up early and go running (which is a great idea), make sure you memorize an epic speech. Or bring your phone so you can queue up Denzel Washington's graveyard speech from Remember the Titans when you and your friends run past a cemetery with mist and the mountains in the background.

22. Covering up chips in the grass can be hilarious.

23. Seeing the kids that live in the house you're working on come out and help alongside you is really fun. And seeing your dad teach them how to nail boards together might make you get teary.

24. Actually a lot of moments will probably make you teary. (Hint...those are probably planned by God. He's trying to get your attention.)

25. Stray animals are common at the work site, and really fun to play with.

26. The Family Dollar has the most random stuff. You'll love all of it and end up buying entire outfits consisting of boy's plaid shorts, camo hats, and tank tops that you plan on unsuccessfully the-dyeing later.

27. If you get asked to present a lesson and then find out it's in front of the entire youth group AND the church you attend on Wednesday AND your pastor from home who has come up to visit, don't freak out too much. You'll end up crying anyhow, and that's probably supposed to happen.

28. If the ride to the work site in the morning is longer than 10 minutes, you'll fall asleep.

29. You can learn SO MUCH from the adults on the trip. Eventually you might even get the handwritten recipe for the best peach cobbler there is. You might also eventually get an encouragement note from Dr. Patch that makes you cry.


31. Your youth director may have hands that look as big as Shrek. You can paint them green and use them when you're decorating a boy's room in a Shrek theme.

32. Hammer decorating can be a huge event before you go. Yours may even have a tutu and sparkles.

33. Boy bands might form and sing classics like Backstreet Boys and All For One.

34. If you're a girl, your living situation will probably be pretty good, since you'll have AC and hot water. If you're a boy, I'm sorry.

35. Through the years you will see kids grow up and become amazing people, and each year, after VBS is done, and before band camp starts, you'll get anxious and excited because it's time for Philippi. Time to experience God and his love in a more real way than many get each Sunday in church. Time to learn something completely new and remember memories from years past. Time to be Jesus to someone else. They won't ever forget you. And you will be part of something bigger than you.

Basically, in a nutshell, not going to Philippi is breaking my heart. But I know it's meant to be, and it's time for me to pass the torch along to the next group to go. I only hope they love it as much as I did.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here I am. Send me." Isaiah 6:8

PKs for Life!


P.S. Philippi circa 2007. Hahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa.

Monday, July 9, 2012

My Husband the He-Man

Today I decided to have a banana at lunch. I'm one of those weird people that likes their banana a little green, but it makes them harder to open that way.

"Ben" I said (I'm in the kitchen working on classwork)

"What dear?" he called from his desk in the other room

I added the "dear" part because I like to imagine he calls me that all the time

"Can you come and open this?"

I'm holding the banana out, and he comes marching into the kitchen, chest puffed out, arms swinging. He's chanting some kind of manly war cry, with lots of "HUH HUH" kinds of noises. At this point, his face is incredibly proud. He's coming to fulfill his manly job of being strong and opening something large and difficult, like a 10 lb bag of flour or a 30 oz can of baked beans.

He's an all-American cowboy, coming to rescue me from my peril.

"What's that?"

And then he deflates as he sees this tiny green banana that needs to be opened.

It was a delicious banana.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

“Love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.”


We done gone and started another show.

(I'm not sure why we suddenly morphed into southern country folks there)

So listen. Don Draper.

I liked him and thought he was a rogue and stuff until the LAST TWO MINUTES of the FIRST EPISODE. Then he turned into a low life scum because womanizing men are GROSS.

But then how come he is still so attractive?

Jon Hamm...go back to being Liz Lemon's weird almost-had-a-date-but-then-his-relative-died boyfriend from 30 Rock please? You were not womanizing then.

Also, who is this character? And why is he so creepy and stalkerish? Bad choices Peggy. Also, Peggy, grow your bangs out a little. They are super shorttttttt.

Joan is obviously my favorite. She knows. I don't know what she knows, but whatever it is, she knows. Also she is a redhead. And she is an actual size, not a teeny weeny itty bitty skinny minnie. She has hips, which is awesome, cause...yeah.

Finally...Betty Draper is a lame-o. Girl, wake up and smell the cigarettes. Your husband is a womanizing crazoid who naps in his office half the day and sleeps with some chick who makes Grandma's Day cards. Pay Attention!

I think I am going to get really into this show. Because when I Googled images of "Mad Men" everyone is just lounging around in all the pictures. And I like me a good lounge. 

Ok here we go Mad Men! 


P.S. There is SO MUCH smoking in this show. It's actually ridiculous. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Jersey Shore Fist Pump

Here are some things that are happenin' lately. Mostly stuffs about me. Because I'm not Ben.

- I am taking summer classes.


(I have no idea where that came from, but I like it)

So these summer classes are online and one is a sociology class and I was writing a discussion post about marriage and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside because I too am married. It still fascinates me that I am MARRIED.

The love of my life and the apple of my eye, the man of my dreams, he called me "the old ball and chain" a few days ago.

Oh marriage.

- I'm also in this other relationship.

With this guy.

I hate him. But I love him.

Or at least I love the way my underarm jiggle is slowly unjiggling. Seriously, I think that is what jumpstarted me back into intense exercising. Underarm jiggle. It's a scientific fact that underarm jiggle is caused by too much ice cream.

But I can't help myself. Ice cream is necessary.

So I hang out with Tony now and we laugh about pterodactyls backing out of trouble and stir our soup pots but don't add cream.

- I went to the Jersey Shore too.

Because I'm so cool, I looked like this the whole time.

Haha guys. NO I DID NOT. 

I looked cooler.

I looked like this. 

I like to think that I'm bringing back white as the new tan. It's way cooler to be pale and pasty. You can be jealous of my inability to tan, it's ok. 

And YES YOU GUYS. I absolutely DID fist pump AT the Jersey Shore. With my husband, brother, and his girlfriend. On a bench. While we were waiting for my little sister to finish her Ferris wheel ride. At least it made her giggle. 

- So there's the update from the past few weeks. I also dropped a drawer on my toe and thought it was broken but it wasn't. And I barely survived a run around campus in heat that must have been straight from hell. And cuddled a whole lot with the kitty. 

She's the one who keeps telling me it's ok to put one more scoop into my ice cream bowl. 

Then she sits on the couch and silently laughs at me and Tony and  the fact that Tony's legs just might be completely hairless.


Until next time, 


Monday, June 11, 2012

We're baaaaaaaaack!

Wow it's been a long time! Well, I wish I could say that we were doing something really awesome, like saving the world from a killer virus or destroying an asteroid set on a collision course with Earth. Sadly, that's not it. We just got super busy.

So I thought I'd give a quick update for those of you who need to know.

1. We got a kitty named Ariel. She likes to snuggle.

2. I'm going back to school (!!!) for special education.

3. Ben got a grill and also turned 24.

When I asked him what was new with him, hoping for something like "oh, I learned all this new stuff" or "I'm trying to eat in a more healthy way." Nope. A grill. And his age.




We had a wonderful friend come and visit us this past weekend, and (honestly) we didn't really know what to do with her by Saturday. Mostly because Ben showed her everything there is to see in State College the first afternoon. So when we went to breakfast at a local fruit farm, and saw all the glorious strawberries growing, we gave a whispered inner (hooray!) and acted like it was already in the plans.

Here are the pictures!

They took off without me. I don't remember why. But there are the fields full of yummy little strawberries, mmmmm!

At first Ben was unsure if they were really strawberries because they were so small. Then I told him that the strawberries we get at Wegman's are like the baseball players of strawberry-land. Artificially enlarged. These ones are realistically sized.

Aww she's pretty :)

Juicy, yummy, shiny little fruit. Don't they just LOOK happy?

We all voted on getting a lot of berries. It kind of wasn't even a question. 

Yup, I ate one. How could you NOT eat a strawberry fresh from the vine? 

You might not really be able to see it, but that was the prefect strawberry. The prefect one. 

So good. 

We ended up with 239 strawberries. I washed and counted all of them. 

And then we started eating them. 

I love strawberries. 


P.S. The post below this? Please disregard, as the Penguins epically flopped on their season. 

P.P.S. Look for daily posts from me, Ben, and even Ariel! Hooray, Team Soltoff is BACK!