

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

“Love was invented by guys like me to sell nylons.”


We done gone and started another show.

(I'm not sure why we suddenly morphed into southern country folks there)

So listen. Don Draper.

I liked him and thought he was a rogue and stuff until the LAST TWO MINUTES of the FIRST EPISODE. Then he turned into a low life scum because womanizing men are GROSS.

But then how come he is still so attractive?

Jon Hamm...go back to being Liz Lemon's weird almost-had-a-date-but-then-his-relative-died boyfriend from 30 Rock please? You were not womanizing then.

Also, who is this character? And why is he so creepy and stalkerish? Bad choices Peggy. Also, Peggy, grow your bangs out a little. They are super shorttttttt.

Joan is obviously my favorite. She knows. I don't know what she knows, but whatever it is, she knows. Also she is a redhead. And she is an actual size, not a teeny weeny itty bitty skinny minnie. She has hips, which is awesome, cause...yeah.

Finally...Betty Draper is a lame-o. Girl, wake up and smell the cigarettes. Your husband is a womanizing crazoid who naps in his office half the day and sleeps with some chick who makes Grandma's Day cards. Pay Attention!

I think I am going to get really into this show. Because when I Googled images of "Mad Men" everyone is just lounging around in all the pictures. And I like me a good lounge. 

Ok here we go Mad Men! 


P.S. There is SO MUCH smoking in this show. It's actually ridiculous. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

The Jersey Shore Fist Pump

Here are some things that are happenin' lately. Mostly stuffs about me. Because I'm not Ben.

- I am taking summer classes.


(I have no idea where that came from, but I like it)

So these summer classes are online and one is a sociology class and I was writing a discussion post about marriage and it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside because I too am married. It still fascinates me that I am MARRIED.

The love of my life and the apple of my eye, the man of my dreams, he called me "the old ball and chain" a few days ago.

Oh marriage.

- I'm also in this other relationship.

With this guy.

I hate him. But I love him.

Or at least I love the way my underarm jiggle is slowly unjiggling. Seriously, I think that is what jumpstarted me back into intense exercising. Underarm jiggle. It's a scientific fact that underarm jiggle is caused by too much ice cream.

But I can't help myself. Ice cream is necessary.

So I hang out with Tony now and we laugh about pterodactyls backing out of trouble and stir our soup pots but don't add cream.

- I went to the Jersey Shore too.

Because I'm so cool, I looked like this the whole time.

Haha guys. NO I DID NOT. 

I looked cooler.

I looked like this. 

I like to think that I'm bringing back white as the new tan. It's way cooler to be pale and pasty. You can be jealous of my inability to tan, it's ok. 

And YES YOU GUYS. I absolutely DID fist pump AT the Jersey Shore. With my husband, brother, and his girlfriend. On a bench. While we were waiting for my little sister to finish her Ferris wheel ride. At least it made her giggle. 

- So there's the update from the past few weeks. I also dropped a drawer on my toe and thought it was broken but it wasn't. And I barely survived a run around campus in heat that must have been straight from hell. And cuddled a whole lot with the kitty. 

She's the one who keeps telling me it's ok to put one more scoop into my ice cream bowl. 

Then she sits on the couch and silently laughs at me and Tony and  the fact that Tony's legs just might be completely hairless.


Until next time, 


Monday, June 11, 2012

We're baaaaaaaaack!

Wow it's been a long time! Well, I wish I could say that we were doing something really awesome, like saving the world from a killer virus or destroying an asteroid set on a collision course with Earth. Sadly, that's not it. We just got super busy.

So I thought I'd give a quick update for those of you who need to know.

1. We got a kitty named Ariel. She likes to snuggle.

2. I'm going back to school (!!!) for special education.

3. Ben got a grill and also turned 24.

When I asked him what was new with him, hoping for something like "oh, I learned all this new stuff" or "I'm trying to eat in a more healthy way." Nope. A grill. And his age.




We had a wonderful friend come and visit us this past weekend, and (honestly) we didn't really know what to do with her by Saturday. Mostly because Ben showed her everything there is to see in State College the first afternoon. So when we went to breakfast at a local fruit farm, and saw all the glorious strawberries growing, we gave a whispered inner (hooray!) and acted like it was already in the plans.

Here are the pictures!

They took off without me. I don't remember why. But there are the fields full of yummy little strawberries, mmmmm!

At first Ben was unsure if they were really strawberries because they were so small. Then I told him that the strawberries we get at Wegman's are like the baseball players of strawberry-land. Artificially enlarged. These ones are realistically sized.

Aww she's pretty :)

Juicy, yummy, shiny little fruit. Don't they just LOOK happy?

We all voted on getting a lot of berries. It kind of wasn't even a question. 

Yup, I ate one. How could you NOT eat a strawberry fresh from the vine? 

You might not really be able to see it, but that was the prefect strawberry. The prefect one. 

So good. 

We ended up with 239 strawberries. I washed and counted all of them. 

And then we started eating them. 

I love strawberries. 


P.S. The post below this? Please disregard, as the Penguins epically flopped on their season. 

P.P.S. Look for daily posts from me, Ben, and even Ariel! Hooray, Team Soltoff is BACK!